Meet the Mocko Jumbies of the U.S. Virgin Islands

These colourful stilt-walkers trace back to pre-slavery Africa. Today they are a symbol of freedom in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Mocko Jumbies are dancers and stilt walkers, sometimes seen at carnivals across the Caribbean but always at carnivals and festivals across the U.S. Virgin Islands.

The tradition can be traced back to West Africa. Mocko means ‘healer’ there. And while jumbi is a West Indian term for ghosts or spirits, that too can be traced back to the Kongo language word, zumbi.

In Africa Mocko Jumbies watched over villages and used their towering height to foresee danger and evil.

It was an idea that African slaves and their descendants clung on too and when carnival was revived in the U.S. Virgin Islands in 1952, Mocko Jumbies were front and centre of the celebration.

They continue to stroll and dance in carnivals and festivals across the islands as a sign of freedom to this day.

The influence of Mocko Jumbies stretches beyond carnival in the U.S. Virgin Islands. One of the island’s most popular musicians, Hugo Moolenaar, was also a mocko jumbie. 

(© U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Tourism ) 
(© U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Tourism) 

Hugo Moolenaar was regarded as one of the fastest stilt dancers ever and is just as famous for incorporating kung fu moves into his routines.

The cover of his album, Mocko Jumbie Jamboree, features Hugo dressed as a Mocko Jumbie on a white sand beach.

More recently, the Department of Tourism of the U.S. Virgin Islands adopted the Mocko Jumbie as a symbol for the islands. 

The presence of a Mocko Jumbie at a parade, jump-up or even a beach BBQ is considered a great honour and blessing in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

For visitors though, the best chance of seeing a Mockie Jumbie remains the annual carnivals and parades held in St Croix.

They are a colourful reminder of the islands’ West African heritage.

And, without a doubt, the most memorable part of any visit to this tiny corner of the Caribbean.

For more information about Mocko Jumbie and the US Virgin Islands, drop by

Main image: A gang of Mocko Jumbi on St Croix (© U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Tourism) 

About Author /

Travel author and podcaster with a funny way of looking at the world.

1 Comment

  • Amah Jones
    4 months ago Reply


    Moko Jumbie is a cultural icon and traditional stilt walker that originated in West Africa and is now a part of the Caribbean and U.S. Virgin Islands’ cultural heritage.

    Moko or Mocco refers to enslaved IBIBIOS from the BIGHT of BIAFRA. No other African group was so named or described. Below is the photo of an Ibibio stilt walker from Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. Stilt-walking among the Ibibios pays homage to the ANYAAN–the GIANTS, or ANNUNAKIS.
    In the Ibibio pantheon, Eka Abasi or Abasi Isu Ama means the Mother of God who, of her own power alone, brought forth her son-husband, Abasi Obumo, through a virgin birth.

    She’s the Great Creatrix whose name, image, and physical presence are so mighty that mortal beings are forbidden from directly saying her name. Ancient Ibibios are said to have always trembled from merely discussing her, let alone saying her name. Thus, Isu Ama (Loving Face or Mother with the Face of Love) was adopted. Eka Abasi is the Ibibio equivalent of Auset (Isis) or Hathor of the ancient Egyptians. Her son-husband is the Ibibio Heru (Horus) or Ra (Re).

    Eka Abasi (Abasi Isu Ma or Isu Ama) is Ekpo Nyawghaw (Iya Yaw) or Yahweh of the Hebrews. She is the Divine Virgin Spirit and her son-husband, Abasi Obumo, is the Divine Mind. The combination of mind and spirit creates an inner impulse, Divine Spark, or Dynamic Energy (Dynamic Force of Creation) called El or Mfon Odudu Ekpo. Eka = Mother
    Isu (Iso) = Face, Agent, Representation, Alter Ego, Alias, a Stand-in, Ambassador, or Agency.
    Abasi = He or She who exists or dwells eternally
    Ekpo = Spirit/Ghost
    Anyaan (Nyaan) = A Giant Being, Tall or Exceedingly Tall = Mighty of Height = Annunaki.
    Nyawghaw = Nyaan-Nyawghaw = Ekpo Nyawghaw or Ekpo Nyoho.
    Nyawghaw = Omnipresence and capable of shape-shifting. Ekpo

    Nyawghaw is a spirit that can manifest anywhere and everywhere. Like Enlil the Annunaki, Ekpo Nyawghaw embodies male and female, good and evil (the Duality of One), right and wrong—the divine opposites from the same body. Ekpo Nyawghaw is a two-faced Janus in the same body. Ekpo Nyawghaw is Iya Yaw a.k.a. Iya Mmi a.k.a. Iya a.k.a Yah a.k.a. Jah a.k.a. Yahweh the Mighty One🔯

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